Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Budgeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Budgeting - Essay Example man resource management which include employees’ development, compensation, rewards, and work benefits, job definition and design, and development of organizational culture. From a scientific perspective, performance management is a continuous process, which starts from the time an employee start working in an organization until the time when the employee exits the organization. Performance management is one of the things that H2O should consider placing great emphasis on as it prepares to expand its operations to the US. This is because performance management would help the company to align its HR initiatives with the US practices. That is, satisfying the needs of its human resources while ensuring that the abilities of the employees are directed towards achievement of the company’s objectives. Levensaler explains (20008) that â€Å"this is possible because performance management enables an organization to analyze how well its employees are performing on an individual basis† (p. 11). This entails analyzing how well an employee is performing in his/her current responsibilities based on the achieved results. Performance management also allows an organization to develop improvement plan. An improvement plan enables an employee to improve his/her performance, as well as prepare for future responsibilities. Furthermore, performance management would help H2O to promote cohesion between subordinates and their supervisors. Good subordinates-supervisors relationships have a positive impact not only on employees’ performance, but also in employees’ morale. In addition, performance management helps organizations to determine employees’ performance rewards which are rewarding employees depending on their abilities and achievements. Therefore, for H2O to be able to align its HR initiatives with the US practices, it should ensure that its performance management initiatives achieve the aforementioned objectives. Moreover, performance management is based on a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Culture Acceptance of Homosexuality in the African-American Culture Essay Example for Free

Culture Acceptance of Homosexuality in the African-American Culture Essay Different factions of sociologists depict men. Functionalists suggest that a division of labor originally arose between man and women because of the woman’s role in reproduction. By virtue of their larger size and greater muscular strength, men were assigned hunting and defense tasks. Conflict theorists reject functionalist arguments as simply offering a rationale for male dominance. They contend that a sexual division of labor is a social vehicle devised by men to assure themselves of privilege, prestige, and power in their relationships with women. By relegating women to the home, men have been able to deny women those resources they need to succeed in the larger world. Others say that the fundamental motive is men’s desire to have women readily available for sexual gratification. And still others emphasize that the appropriation of women is not for copulation but for procreation, especially to produce male heirs and daughters who can be used as exchanges in cementing political economic alliances with other families (Hinkle, 1994). Indeed, this gender stratification promotes the survival of the species and fulfilling their label to be strong, men even use violence to assert their so-called masculinity, which in any case is portrayed by the sociologists as the more superior specie. But when one takes a closer look into Kinsey’s reports, he or she won’t help but notice an honest existence of a â€Å"third kind† or the second-class citizens as the popular belief says in the persons of the homosexuals (Betancourt Lopez, 1993). For the best information on sexual characteristics, we are indebted to the Kinsey reports. Kinsey’s greatest contribution was the discovery that individual differences in sexual behavior are truly amazing. The reports were designed to give a scientific gloss to the normalization of promiscuity and deviancy. Kinsey’s initial report, released in 1948 stunned the nation by saying that American men were so sexually wild that â€Å"95% of them could be accused of some kind of sexual offense under 1940s laws† (Kinsey et al. , 1948). The report included reports of sexual activity by boys, even babies, and said, â€Å"37% of adult males had had at least one homosexual experience† (Kinsey et al. , 1948). Homosexuality is a preference for an individual of the same sex as a sexual partner. The Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research estimates that five to six percent of the adult population is predominantly homosexual. However, since there are so many gradations in sexual behavior and preferences, many sociologists and psychologists take the view that there heterosexual or homosexual practices but not homosexual individuals (Halgin, 2006). In brief, homosexuality and heterosexuality are terms that describe behavior, not the identity of a person. But gender identity confusion can lead to fear of homosexuality. But behavior is not grossly disorganized, nor is functioning impaired if the delusions are not acted out. A gay man or a lesbian may or may not elect to engage in homosexual behavior (Bell and Weinberg, 1998). Father’s Presence A boy prefers the company of boys; his favorite toys are cars and trucks and wants to be a fireman or policeman. The parents treated both the children differently, even though they are technically the same. This shows how parents do seek to socialize children into their gender roles, even if they are doing it unconsciously. Parents provide distinctive environments for boys and girls. They give them different toys and clothes and decorate their rooms differently (Fagot, 1995). They respond negatively to more obvious forms of cross-sex behavior. A very young boy who tries on his mother high-heeled shoes or puts on a dress or lipstick may be regarded with amused tolerance, but such behavior in older children is regarded as outrageous rather than funny. Father reacts especially strongly to any such signs of feminine tendencies in their sons (Nicolosi, 1991). The men may interpret certain kinds of feminine interests or actions as signs of developing homosexual tendencies in their sons and react to their tendencies in the strongest terms (Nicolosi, 1991). Psychologists described the uniformity of reports from literature that gay males had poorer relations with their fathers and concludes, â€Å"Every study reported findings that their relationships with their fathers were unsatisfying with the father variously described as cold, rejecting, indifferent, hostile, or simply distant† (Moberly, 1983). Likewise it was concluded that the homosexuals hurtful relationship with the father results in defensive detachment, which is carried over to relationships with other men. Homosexuality becomes a form of a reparative drive (Nicolosi, 1991) in which the boy seeks a nurturing male relationship to undo the repression and regain the lost father. Significant environmental issues such as the impact of the father-son relationship are indicated as important in the development of adult male homosexual orientation. As scholars suggested, the father-child relationship is one of many crucial elements in the development of any child. Deficits in this area may result in adverse effects to the child’s (and later adult child’s) identification with self as an adult, and this identification is generally considered to be crucial in determining the way in which children and adults form relationships with others (Blankenhorn, 1995). Conversely, boys seemed to conform to the sex-role standards of their culture when their relationships with their fathers were warm, regardless of how masculine the fathers were, even though warmth and intimacy have traditionally been seen as feminine characteristics (Blankenhorn, 1995). Son’s pubertal development was a significant predictor of both information sharing and, to a lesser extent, values sharing, with fathers more likely to talk with sons who had attained more physical development. The father’s recognition of his son’s physical development appears to be an important factor in talking about sexuality. When fathers see their sons maturing physically, they may become aware of the increased possibility of sexual initiation, and this possibility spurs them to discussion of sexual topics (Moberly, 1983). In the movie Billy Elliot, the simple rights of gay people are also advanced. In terms of personality traits, boys are generally aggressive, independent, dominant, competitive, logical, direct, adventurous, self-confident, and ambitious. Boys are described as closemouthed, rough, and sloppy in their habits. Boys do not usually enjoy art and literature, and cannot easily express and find it easy to express their feelings. This is what it means to be masculine in the eyes of biased society. But Billy, more than the fondness for boxing his father wants for him, his natural flair falls for dancing, an art predominantly associated with girls. Most families, like that of Billy, urge boys to be little men even before they have any idea what it means to be a man. As a matter of fact, there is even more pressure on boys to be masculine than on girls to be feminine. They are constantly warned not to act like girls, not cry, not to be sissies. Most people have always considered it worse for a boy to be a sissy than for a girl to be a tomboy. Boys may have to prove themselves by being athletic or by being tough, men by making a lot of money or by being a man’s man in whatever way this is defined by their associates. But the burden of proof is always present. And the burden is heavier than most people think. When cooing to a baby in a crib, they use one tone of voice toward a girl, a different one toward a boy. Mothers look at baby girl more often and talk to her more frequently. By and large, children have been brought up to believe that women should be pretty and preferably slim, while men should be tall and strong (Sheinberg, 2004). This familial stereotyping is even carried on to the bigger world of the boys known as school. In the world that children enter at 6 there is a new adult, the teacher, whose discipline boys must conform to and whose acceptance they must court. Ordinarily the teacher is a woman, like the mother, and children’s behavior toward their mother can be generalized toward her. But boys who are identifying with their father and rebelling against their mother often have trouble in the early grades. They may be less fearful of rejection by the teacher and therefore more reluctant to accept her influence (Sheinberg, 2004). It was also found that father’s age at first intercourse would predict father-son sex-based communication. The rationale was that fathers who were sexually active at an earlier age would remember their experiences and would see their sons as needing information (Moberly, 1983). On the other hand, fathers who had sexual intercourse at a later age may believe it is best to wait, and they may talk with sons to instill this same value, while fathers who had sex at an early age might believe it best to inform their sons about sex in order to prepare them for it (Moberly, 1983). Without a doubt, among African Americans, a father is the most important thing a boy can have in his life. They relate to one another on a level that cannot be achieved through a mother-son relationship. It is important to have communication in the relationship because talking brings the two closer. A father, though, needs to know when to play an active role in his son’s life, and when to be more of an observer. If he mixes the two up, serious repercussions may occur. A father can be the best thing in his son’s life, but he needs to care for the right (Sheinberg, 2004). Masculinity Another expert to have studied sexuality is Margaret Mead. Margaret Mead (1949) edified a good number of Americans about the significance of examining sensitively and plainly at other cultures to better comprehend the intricacies of humanness. She contends that it seems quite probable that nature creates some inborn tendencies. But there is ample proof that heredity alone does not necessarily push men toward being independent and aggressive, nor women toward being passive and submissive (Mead, 1949). In one tribe that Mead studied, both men and women were what we would call highly feminine. Both sexes shunned aggression. Both took care of and nurtured the children. In modern times, girls and women are considered feminine unless they display overwhelming evidence to the contrary, but boys and men have to win the right to be called masculine. They have to prove their masculinity; they have to face and succeed in all kinds of financial, intellectual, sexual, and physical tests. The testing process starts early and continues throughout life (Mead, 1949). In the other tribe, the members of one sex spent all their time applying cosmetics, gossiping, putting, engaging in emotional outbursts, and taking care of the children. Members of the other sex had clean-shaven heads, scorned any makeup or ornamentation, were active and domineering, and provided most of the tribe’s food and other necessities. But the last sentence describes how the women behaved. The preceding sentence, about a fondness for cosmetics and emotional outbursts, describes the men (Mead, 1949). The motives for affiliation and dependency are universal. So are the emotions that accompany them. Society’s demand to suppress them is in effect a demand to transcend humanity. And efforts to do so can never completely succeed. Since it is impossible to program out all emotions, even the most extreme he-man can only approximate the masculine ideal. Thus every man, aware of the stirrings of the softer and weaker emotion he tries so dutifully to hide, is bound to worry about his own masculinity. Otherwise, he is prejudged as gay, a sissy, or a homosexual (Duberman, et al. , 1989). The Religion’s Take The church usually operates with a bureaucratic structure and claims to include most of the members of a society. The difficulties the society has experienced in recent years are reflective of that of the ancient times and have contributed to the resurgence of conservative Christianity (Fisher, et al. , 1994). We have seen in Christie Davies’ Sexual Taboos and Social Boundaries that religion may be a conservative force, impeding modernization and reaffirming traditional authority (Davies, 1982). The bold article tackles Christianity’s bias against such so-called sexual taboos as homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism in North America and Europe. That is, Christianity is associable with such concepts as hypocrisy, racism, narrow-mindedness and conservativism (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Davies is referring to the passages in the Bible, which state that homosexuality is wrong. These occur most prominently in Deuteronomy. Is it not entirely possible for instance to believe that the Bible is entirely true except those passages which condemn homosexuality which were inserted later by corrupt scribes (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Second, because homosexuals are considered deviants, the religious, military, and political principals find a way to give them a reprehensible image by consolidating their boundaries. The symbolic interactionist perspective has been a useful tool for examining the complexities of this heterosexual-homosexual relationship. Thus, should the roles of certain members of the society depart from the normal conventions bordering on the taboo, as homosexuals have been automatically deemed doing, invariably there are spiteful consequences for their behavior and actions (Fisher, et al. , 1994). And third, Davies argues that the society’s mainstream institutions dictate and shape the homosexuals’ experiences. In large part, they unconsciously build up their sense of reality by the way the society orders its social agendas and structures social alternatives. To the extent that they are locked within the social environment provided by the heterosexual culture, the homosexual segment inhabits a somewhat restricted world outside and is thus considered an external threat to any open social frontier (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Homosexual acts were punishable by death among the ancient Hebrews, but accepted and even admired by the Greeks. Later, the early Christians held that abstinence was the noblest form of sexual behavior, but at about the same time, the Romans were indulging in their famous orgies in the Colosseum (Fisher, et al. , 1994). In England, at the time of Queen Elizabeth, sex was treated with a frankness and frequently with a ribaldry that has no parallel in Western history. A little later, under Queen Victoria, it was regarded with such great circumspection that among some groups of these very same Englishmen, one would hardly have known that coitus ever took place and any falls from propriety were the cause of great scandal and disgrace (Lenski and Lenski, 1999). Moreover, Davies also touches on dehumanization or slavery by way of Christian association. In the Western society, significant segments of the population reject coexistence with minorities in equal terms. Women and homosexuals are subsumed in the list of minorities in the large group of African Americans (Davies, 1982). The current debate suggests that Christianity or any religion for that matter, remains a powerful moving force in Western life. People are not close to resolving how to relate people’s religious lives to their religious lives. Each generation must tackle its own church-state question as Christie Davies does with homosexuality in her article (Davies, 1982). Furthermore, broadly considered, long-term relationship, heterosexual or homosexual, should be considered as families. The social definition of the family as a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption has come to its revolutionary point of reshaping into such as a group of people who love and care or each other regardless of spiritual background or sexual preference (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Some gays and lesbians are married, have children, and lead lives that in most respects are indistinguishable from those of the larger population. However, homosexual adults who have come to terms with their homosexuality, who do not regret their sexual orientation, and who can function effectively sexually and socially, are no more distressed psychologically than are heterosexual men and women (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Homophobia Few people in the history of Western society have been more scorned, feared, and stigmatized than homosexuals. To put in a more appropriate context, these people who fear, hate, and persecute the homosexuals are homophobic (Kagay, 1999). Gays and lesbians often hold values and beliefs that are different from those of the dominant culture. Because of the controversial nature of being gay or lesbian, and the heavy social proscriptions against it, many individuals are reluctant to â€Å"come out of the closet† or to reveal their membership in this co-culture. As more gays and lesbians identify themselves publicly, they find that their attitudes and communication patterns often clash with people who do not understand the gay and lesbian co-cultures (Vander Zanden, 1995). When the collision involves the arbitrary denial of privilege, prestige, and power to members of the homosexual co-culture whose qualifications are equal to those of members of the dominant group as the heterosexuals, then generally, sociologists can easily label this as discrimination. And when the attitudes of aversion and hostility toward the homosexual co-culture abound because they simply belong to it and hence are presumed to have the objectionable qualities ascribed to it, then the label becomes prejudice (Vander Zanden, 1993). Whereas prejudice is an attitude or a state of mind, discrimination is action. Therefore, phobia as an irrational part of a person’s mentality makes homophobia basically a prejudice that may lead to discrimination but cannot grow to be a form of racism (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Racism or racialism is a belief in the superiority of some races over others. It also involves prejudice against or hatred of other races. Discriminating behavior is also defining element in racism. Be that as it may, racism is based on none other than racial membership and in this paper’s case, on sexual preference or orientation too. Stereotypically, it is based on the color of the skin, the texture of the hair, the facial features, the stature, and the shape of the heads. Biologists typically view races as populations that differ in the incidence of various hereditary traits. More narrowly, they conceive of a race or subspecies as an inbreeding, geographically isolated population that differs in hereditary traits from other members of the species (Bullough Bullough 1996). Hereditary is the key term. Although there are some floating nature-nurture debate on the tendency to be homosexual, being gay or lesbian is more broadly accepted as a behavior than a heritable peculiarity (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Homosexuality knows no color or physical feature. Although gays whiten the color of their skin, stretch their hair length, effeminize their facial features, glamorize their stature, or cosmetically alter the shape of their heads, they cannot be classified a race but a co-culture instead (Bell and Weinberg, 1998). Although racial stratification is similar to other systems of stratification in which African Americans are a part of, including gender stratification, in its essential features, there tends to be one major difference. Racial and ethnic groups often have the potential for carving their own independent nation from the existing state (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Political separatism may offer racial groups a solution that is not available to gender groups. Gender groups typically lack the potential for becoming self-sufficient political states because they do not function as self-sufficient social or economic groups (Vander Zanden, 1995). Homosexuals are a varied group. They are found in all occupational fields, political persuasions, religious faiths, and racial and ethnic groups. Some are married, have children, and lead lives that in most respects are indistinguishable from those of the larger population. Others enter homosexual unions that are relatively durable (Kagay, 1999). In fact, if homosexuality could be considered a part of the gender stratification, then homophobia could even be more appropriately subsumed by the realms of sexism than racism. But the homosexual population cannot be undervalued that a gay joke can testify to their numbers: â€Å"I wonder why gay people multiply. They don’t have any vagina but they seem born twice a straight baby girl’s chance. † In many modern nations, the members of some groups participate in the main culture of the society while simultaneously sharing with one another a number of unique values, norms, traditions, and lifestyles. These cultural patterns are termed a co-culture (Vander Zanden, 1993). African American co-cultures that have become prominent in the United States partly because of their numbers and partly because of their lack of subscription to many of the mainstream beliefs, attitudes, and values. Although there are many co-cultures in the United States, the homosexual culture has become increasingly prominent because of their demands for equality.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

To The Lighthouse :: essays research papers

To the Lighthouse, published in 1927 is one of Virginia Woolf's most successful novels written in a stream of consciousness style. The novel is divided into three parts, which revolve around the members of the Ramsey family and their guests during visits to their summer vacationing residence on the Isle of Skye. The central preoccupation within the novel however is not to be found within the lives of the characters, instead they are seen as being secondary to the overall grounding of the novel in the house itself. Woolf examines the actions of the characters and the passing of time from the perspective of the central symbol of the actual physical domestic space of the house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The characterization of Mrs. Ramsey, who is identified as being the guardian, or the 'angel of the house', cannot be separated from the actual physical space itself. Just as the walls and doors of the house serve to keep out and protect the inhabitants from the outside world, Mrs. Ramsey works to create a domestic space where she can shield the people from the effects of modern life and offer a retreat into a more natural landscape. This natural landscape however can be seen as a threat, the pounding of the waves on the surf turns from a 'soothing tattoo to her thoughts'; to the 'ghostly roll of drums remorselessly beat(ing) the measure of life';, and terrified the sound makes her think 'of the destruction of the island and its engulfment in the sea';(23-24). The simple fact that sound of the pounding waves comes to her suddenly, whereas before it had been concealed by the sounds of conversations being held outside, points to the hollowness of the house. Mrs. Ramsey works to maintain the house as being a protective barrier, which can be seen through her obsession with wanting to keep all the doors closed, effectively trying to bar the outside world from entering: 'At a certain moment, she supposed, the house would become so shabby that something must be done. If they could be taught to wipe their feet and not bring in the beach with them – that would be something…And the result of it was…that things got shabbier and got shabbier summer after summer. The mat was fading; the wallpaper was flapping…Still, if every door in a house is left perpetually open, … things must spoil…it was the doors that annoyed her…'; (38-9).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Four Dead in Ohio :: essays papers

"Four Dead in Ohio" On Thursday, April 30, 1970, President Richard Nixon told the American people that we were sending troops into Cambodia. This upset many Americans because Nixon was brought into office due to his promise to end the war. In his first year of presidency it looked like the end of the war was near, but with this announcement the end of the war was not evident. This pro-war decision by Nixon upset many people and led to riots all over the country. How could the President make the decision to continue war when he promised to end it? Among the riots caused by Nixon’s decision were revolts at many universities, such as Kent State. Young students were upset because they were the ones being drafted and the sooner the war ended the less chance they had of seeing war. On Friday, May 1,1970 anti-war rallies began to take place at Kent State University. Students gathered and burned a copy of the constitution. Also many riots broke out in downtown Kent. The extent of the damage done in Kent was estimated at fifteen thousand dollars. Upon learning about these problems the mayor, Leroy Satrom, called a state of emergency and contacted Governor James Rhodes for assistance. On May second, the ROTC building at Kent State was burnt down during a protest. The next step was calling in the National Gaurd as ordered by the Governor. The national guard helped on campus by seeing that the new eleven o’clock p.m. curfew was followed by all students. This caused more anger among the students, and added more peopl e to the rebellion that would otherwise not have become involved. On May 4th 1970, when rallies surfaced again in the commons area, tear gas was used to disperse the crowd. The conflict between students and the National Guard had begun to expand, and the cursing and rock throwing were increasing the tension in the air. The Guard ordered the students to retreat and as the crowds began to break up, it appeared the Guard was also retreating. Then shots were heard. The Guard for reasons unknown had to turn back and open fire at a crowd of students. Within thirteen seconds, four students were dead and nine wounded. One student who was killed was Allison Krause, who had been the only one of the four killed that was actually involved in the demonstrations.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Annoying Shoppers

Johnny Bullock English 104 Bowman December 5, 2012 Annoying Shoppers Grocery shopping can be a very interesting experience. It seems like nothing more than a quick and easy chore at first. You go in, throw whatever you want into your cart, pay and then get out. Its almost relaxing, that is if the grocery store is completely empty. Unfortunately, there are always those other shoppers. The ones who think they own the place or something. They’re in just about every grocery store in America. You know who I’m talking about, that one parent- usually a mom- with a kid who just so happens to be screaming bloody murder.Also, everyone knows a bad cart driver when they see one, not to mention the label readers. And finally, probably the worst of them all, the Couponers. If you’re like me and you like to get your grocery shopping done as fast and productive as possible, these four shoppers are your worst enemies. Imagine yourself going to the grocery store. You drive into th e parking lot, circle around for a minute or so just to find that perfect spot as close to the front door as possible. You gather the things you need: grocery list, phone, money, credit cards etc, and exit your car.As you walk by the automatic doors to go get a cart, the doors open and that’s when you hear it. That ear piercing, glass breaking, nails-on-a-chalkboard howl that comes from a small child no taller than your knee. As the screaming stops- only for an instant as the heathen catches its breath- and starts back up again, you find yourself blankly staring at the mother of this child as you pass by each other. You can’t help but think, â€Å"can you please take some control of your kid? This is a public place not your home! † but decide its better to just keep walking.Until you realize that you have completely forgotten what you were shopping for thanks to that bellowing kid. Good thing you brought a list right? The doors close behind you and the screaming fades. You have but a moment of peace before you look up and ZOOM!! Some guy decides its a good idea to use his cart as a scooter, almost hitting you as he whizzes over to the produce section. Now, what in the world would make him think that’s a good idea? The grocery store is not a skatepark, and I’m certain that its small enough to easily get from point A, to point B just by walking.Is it possible that he’s just looking for a little more excitement in his life? Maybe, he’s the same as you or me and wants to get his shopping done as fast as he can. Whatever the reason, people like him need to learn some courtesy and realize that there are other people in the world. You are now able to get started and pick up all the things on your list, you decide to turn down the â€Å"organics† aisle figuring it would be a shorter path to the front of the store. Little did you know this would be your worst mistake of the whole trip. Walking down the row of heal thy foods are some of the worst grocery shoppers there are, the label-readers.These are the health-nuts who will literally stand in the middle of the aisle and read every nutrition fact, ingredient, percentage and amount of grams per serving there are in a caesar salad. Then, as if it wasn’t already bad enough, they will continue to put that salad down and grab another salad made by a different company in order to compare the labels. Now, this wouldn't be such a problem if they didn’t decide to park their cart on one side of the aisle and stand on the other side reading the labels, stopping you dead in your tracks.Obviously label-readers must think its their world and the rest of us are just living in it. In which case, they need a wake up call. But regardless of the fact, you don’t want to be rude so you politely say â€Å"excuse me† and proceed to the check out counter. The check out counter, the final stretch of your shopping experience. All there is l eft to do now is pay for your items and go. It seems like this should be the easiest part right? Wrong. Unfortunately, you have two items too many to use the â€Å"express lane,† and all but one of the â€Å"self checkout† machines are out-of-order.So, after carefully scanning each regular check-out line, you finally spot the one with what seems like the shortest line and casually stroll over there to wait your turn. What you didn’t see, was that the lady you decided to stand behind had the entire store in her cart! Little did you know that she was the worst shopper of them all- the Couponer. This is the bargain-shopper who’s annoying actions are broken down into three steps. First, this shopper will decide to pack her cart so full that the pile of groceries in her cart is taller than she is!Inevitably, creating a longer waiting time for you. Next, she will stand there, stare at the clerk’s computer screen and argue about the 2-for-1 price for ever y item that doesn’t match up exactly the way she wants. Finally, after all her groceries are scanned, bagged and carted, the couponer will then proceed to dig through her entire purse searching for every coupon she has ever saved over the past year for that one shopping trip. As if she hasn’t already wasted enough of everyone’s time.It is at this point of your experience when you realize that any hope of an efficient and speedy shopping trip was just tossed out the window. With all of the annoying people that decide to go to the grocery store, shopping can easily turn from a quick and easy chore into one of the most tedious experiences of your life. I encourage you, as a shopper, to watch out for people like this the next time you go shopping. Unless you just so happen to be one of these people, in which case I will be watching out for you next time I take a trip to the grocery store.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pressures of Society on Celebrities Essay Example

Pressures of Society on Celebrities Essay Example Pressures of Society on Celebrities Paper Pressures of Society on Celebrities Paper Synthesis Essay: Pressures of Society My topic focuses on societal pressures on celebrities and people. While research may confirm that both celebrities and people have the same problems, you cant help but notice that celebrities are more Judged. This is a highly controversial topic because we are so quick to Judge someone based on their actions without really knowing them. While some people think celebrities are a bad influence some still think they can also have some benefits to the community. People and celebrities go through some of the same problems, the only difference is celebrities have no privacy in their ersonal lives and they are put on a higher pedestal. However, we may never know if the high pressures of society will ever change and be more open minded before judging people based on their outside appearance and mistakes. Jack Marshalls article, The Sexualization of Teen Celebrities Is Ethically Questionable, discusses young teens that idolize stars and want to be Just like them so they dress and act the same. Similarly, Julie Mehta article, Celebrity Culture Promotes Unrealistic Body Images, discusses how the younger generations want to look like celebrities and view that their bodies are not as fit or thin enough. Despite the fact that the articles bring up different questions about how we look up celebrities too much, the authors both argue celebrities are idolized too much. Marshall does this by stating, The early sexualization of TV actresses whose fans are young teens and pre-teens has a strong rippling effect across the culture, encouraging girls to go where their idols appear to be going (Marshal. This statement points out that the younger generation wants to be their idols so much that they start mocking what they do. Mehta begin her argument by saying, Perfect images of perfect celebrities are everywhere, and its nough to make anyone feel insecure or envious. (Mehta. ) The article describes the flawless images of celebrities in the media can disturb ones thought about body image and self-esteem.. She goes on to state, Seeing all those artificially perfected images can hurt your body image- the way you see and feel about your body and the way you think others see you. (Mehta. ) In summary, these articles support the argument that we compare and contrast ourselves to celebrities because we feel like that will get us closer to the glitz and glamor of their life. Another source that talks bout the pressures of society is Chris Hedgess article, Celebrity Culture is Harmful. He discusses how celebrity culture only results to self absorption and materialism. This also connects to the main point of Emily Stimsons article, Celebrity Culture Harms Teens. Their article sheds light on the obsession of celebrities and how dangerous their influence really has on the younger generation. Both articles talks about celebrities fame disturbing our society. Hedges and Stimson both talk about stars lives as only the matter about wealth, fame and dont have a touch of reality. He tates that, gossip and chatter dominate what really matters in the nation (Hedges. ) With this statement one could say he is right, people are more bound to watch television talking about the latest sandal with down spiraling celebrities than watching Fox 4 news talk about the war in Iraq. Stimpson states that, American teenagers are obsessed witn celebrities and becoming tamous, which nas negative emotional and social consequences (Stimpson. ) The authors go on to fully detail what is wrong with our community and their reasons they think that celebrity culture has ruin our society. In conclusion, this research may be used to support that celebrities are idolized too much and once they make a mistake, we throw it out of proportions, and we criticize them for it. While some of the articles focus more on celebrity obsession, the other articles take into consideration that maybe it isnt their fault that they are so corrupted, but because of the pressure of being perfect that corrupts them. When will we realize that we put too much pressure of stars? How will they be able to make a mistake, when to them it feels like they are walking on eggshells? And once they make a mistake we are there to Judge them and talk down n them, because they got caught. No one is perfect, so why do we have such high standards for them to be? We yearn to be center of attention, to be noticed and admired. We build social media sites only for the sole purpose to present our image in the world. Why are willing to give up our privacy to become famous? We have become so infatuated with celebrities and their fame that we watch everything they do so we can do our best to be Just like them. Has our society become so obsessed with money and power that we have lost track on what is really important in the world? That is a better question. Marshall, Jack. The Sexualization of Teen Celebrities Is Ethically Questionable. Is Childhood Becoming Too Sexualized. Olivia Ferguson and Hayley Mitchell Haugen. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. At Issue. Rpt. from The Ethics of Child Stardom, Part Two: Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair. Ethics Scoreboard, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. Mehta, Julie. Celebrity Culture Promotes Unrealistic Body Images. Celebrity Culture. Ed. Roman EspeJo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from Pretty Unreal: Ever Wish You Could Look as Hot as Celebrities Do? Well, They Dont Look as Good as You Think. Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader Publication Can. 2005): 15(4). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. Hedges, Chris. Celebrity Culture Is Harmful. Celebrity Culture. Ed. Roman EspeJo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from Addicted to Nonsense. Truthdig. com. 2009. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17 Oct. 2013 Stimpson, Emily. Celebrity Culture Harms Teens. Celebrity Culture. Ed. Fame and Misfortune: Why Teens Thirst for Celebrity in Todays Culture. Our Sunday Visitor (1 1 Jan. 2009). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Juan Luna and Filipinos Great Pride Essay Essays

Juan Luna and Filipinos Great Pride Essay Essays Juan Luna and Filipinos Great Pride Essay Essay Juan Luna and Filipinos Great Pride Essay Essay The first thing you’ll notice about the picture is its size. Standing at 4 metres in tallness and 7 metres in breadth. the picture no uncertainty commands attending and gives off a olympian aura. Any spectator of the picture will experience dwarfed by the big picture and may experience overwhelmed by the munificence of it. The following thing you’ll notice about the Spoliarium is the rich colourss used. Predominantly. the painter made usage of warm colourss for his work of art. with reds being a cardinal colour that attracts the most attending. In individual. the colourss are striking and rather alone. The Spoliarium depicts an even during the Roman imperium. where gladiators die for amusement. The picture shows how gladiators are being dragged pitilessly by work forces towards an unknown darkness. where other tragically killed gladiators are brought. To the left is a heartening crowd. shouting for blood while to the right. a adult female is crouched and apparently in sorrow. The picture shows a tragic event. decidedly. But it besides shows a deeper significance. particularly for the Filipinos during the clip of the Spanish colonisation ( which lasted over 400 old ages! ) . Harmonizing to art experts. the fallen gladiators who are being dragged are the Filipino people. while the work forces dragging them into the darkness are representative of the Spanish regulation. The adult female crouched on the right side of the picture is believed to be the Mother Country or the Inang Bayan who weeps for her Philippines. The blood thirsty crowd to the left is a representation of the societal malignant neoplastic disease of that clip. Truly. there is more than meets the oculus when it comes to Luna’s picture. The Spoliarium shows the Spanish government’s mistreatment of the Philippines. The dead organic structures of the gladiators represent the Spanish violent deaths of Filipino revolutionists. The Spoliarium is celebrated among the Filipino people. to state the least. The fact that Luna had gained acknowledgment among other Spaniards in Madrid because of this picture has given the Filipinos great pride. This besides shows that the Filipinos have accomplishments that can be. if non. excel the Europeans of that clip. This is why the picture. along with Hidalgo’s. are deemed National Cultural Treasures. because they were able to lend to the development of art in the Philippines. The Spoliarium can be found in the Hall of the Masters of The National Museum of the Philippines. Whether you are a alien or a local. take a few hours off your agenda to see the museum and larn more about Filipino civilization and history through the eyes of its creative persons. It is an educational and enriching experience. The first thing you’ll notice about the picture is its size. Standing at 4 metres in tallness and 7 metres in breadth. the picture no uncertainty commands attending and gives off a olympian aura. Any spectator of the picture will experience dwarfed by the big picture and may experience overwhelmed by the munificence of it. The following thing you’ll notice about the Spoliarium is the rich colourss used. Predominantly. the painter made usage of warm colourss for his work of art. with reds being a cardinal colour that attracts the most attending. In individual. the colourss are striking and rather alone. The Spoliarium depicts an even during the Roman imperium. where gladiators die for amusement. The picture shows how gladiators are being dragged pitilessly by work forces towards an unknown darkness. where other tragically killed gladiators are brought. To the left is a heartening crowd. shouting for blood while to the right. a adult female is crouched and apparently in sorrow. The picture shows a tragic event. decidedly. But it besides shows a deeper significance. particularly for the Filipinos during the clip of the Spanish colonisation ( which lasted over 400 old ages! ) . Harmonizing to art experts. the fallen gladiators who are being dragged are the Filipino people. while the work forces dragging them into the darkness are representative of the Spanish regulation. The adult female crouched on the right side of the picture is believed to be the Mother Country or the Inang Bayan who weeps for her Philippines. The blood thirsty crowd to the left is a representation of the societal malignant neoplastic disease of that clip. Truly. there is more than meets the oculus when it comes to Luna’s picture. The Spoliarium shows the Spanish government’s mistreatment of the Philippines. The dead organic structures of the gladiators represent the Spanish violent deaths of Filipino revolutionists. The Spoliarium is celebrated among the Filipino people. to state the least. The fact that Luna had gained acknowledgment among other Spaniards in Madrid because of this picture has given the Filipinos great pride. This besides shows that the Filipinos have accomplishments that can be. if non. excel the Europeans of that clip. This is why the picture. along with Hidalgo’s. are deemed National Cultural Treasures. because they were able to lend to the development of art in the Philippines. The Spoliarium can be found in the Hall of the Masters of The National Museum of the Philippines. Whether you are a alien or a local. take a few hours off your agenda to see the museum and larn more about Filipino civilization and history through the eyes of its creative persons. It is an educational and enriching experience.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spiracles Aid in Breathing on Fish, Whales, and Insects

Spiracles Aid in Breathing on Fish, Whales, and Insects Spiracles are breathing openings found on the surface of insects, certain  cartilaginous fish  such as certain species of  sharks, and stingrays. Hammerheads and  chimeras dont have spiracles. In fish, spiracles are composed of a pair of openings just behind the fishs eyes that allow it to draw oxygenated water in from above without having to bring it in through the gills. The spiracles open into the fishs mouth, where water is passed over its gills for gas exchange and out of the body. Spiracles aid fish in breathing even when they are lying on the ocean bottom or when theyre buried in the sand.   Evolution of Spiracles Spiracles likely evolved from gill openings. In primitive jawless fish, spiracles were simply the first gill openings behind the mouth. This gill opening eventually separated as the jaw evolved out of the structures between it and the other gill openings. The spiracle remained as a small, hole-like opening in most cartilaginous fish. Spiracles are useful for the types of rays that bury themselves in the ocean bottom because they allow them to breathe without the aid of exposed gills. Primitive bony fish with spiracles include the sturgeon, paddlefish, bichirs, and coelacanth. Scientists also believe  that spiracles are associated with the hearing organs of frogs and some other amphibians. Examples of Spiracles Southern stingrays  are sand-dwelling sea animals that use their spiracles to breathe when they are lying on the ocean bottom. Spiracles behind the rays eyes draw in water, which is passed over the gills and expelled from its gills on its underside.  Skates, cartilaginous fish  that have a flat body and wing-like pectoral fins attached to their head, and stingrays sometimes use spiracles as their primary method of breathing, bringing oxygenated water into the gill chamber where it is exchanged for carbon dioxide. Angel sharks are large, flat-bodied sharks that bury themselves in the sand and breathe through their spiracles. They lie in wait, camouflaged,  for fish, crustaceans, and mollusks and then lunge to strike and kill them with their jaws. By pumping water in through their spiracles and out through their gills, these sharks can absorb oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide without constantly swimming, as more mobile sharks must do. Insects and Animals  With Spiracles Insects have spiracles, which allow air to move into their tracheal system. Since insects dont have lungs, they use spiracles to  exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide  with the outside air. Insects open and close their spiracles through muscle contractions.  Oxygen molecules then travel via the insects tracheal system. Each tracheal tube ends with a tracheole, where the oxygen dissolves into the tracheole fluid. The O2  then diffuses into the cells. The blowhole of the  whale  is also sometimes called a spiracle in older texts. Whales use their blowholes to take in the air and dispel carbon dioxide when they surface. Whales have lungs like other mammals rather than gills like fish. They have to breathe air, not water.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

State with reasons the aims which you consider are relevant for Essay

State with reasons the aims which you consider are relevant for present day education. What social factors are likely to influence learners' achievements of these aims - Essay Example The various aims could be identified and compartmentalized under the following heads: 1. Development of cognitive skills: When a child grows up into an adolescent and later on into an adult, it has to be gradually trained to observe and understand various things, principles and aspects of life. The environment teaches many things but if the learner is not properly trained to understand things in the proper perspective, then s/he is likely to misunderstand many principles which ultimately may have an adverse impact on the entire life. It is here that education steps in and assumes a responsible role of helping the learner to observe and understand things in the proper perspective. Under Instructional objectives in any learning exercise the " cognitive objectives assume primary significance and these comprise, i. Knowledge ii. Comprehension iii. Application iv. Analysis v. Synthesis and vi. Evaluation "2 ( Rashid,M 1999) The main perceptive skills of seeing, hearing, and feeling have to be gradually developed to a mature level of understanding to make the learner's jud gment faultless and worthwhile. The various subjects he studies at school, the various exercises he is put under and the instructions given by his teachers greatly help to hone the understanding skills. This helps him to perceive different stimuli properly and assimilate their import properly in his memory file, and for later reference and judgment. The periodical tests and examinations aim at evaluating how well the learner has been developing his cognitive skills so as to understand the issues involved in various problems and come up with acceptable, if not entirely ideal, solutions. If this aim of education is achieved, full credit can be given to such an education and the educators. 2. Development of analytical skills: At every point in a grown-up individual's life, whether he is an adolescent or an adult, he or she is called upon to take decisions on various issues, affecting their lives as well as those of others. Unless he takes the right decisions, his further actions cannot be expected to bear favourable results. More often than not, problems crop up in different places, mainly because some of the concerned individuals are not able to analyse problems correctly, with the result, they take wrong decisions which have an adverse impact on all persons concerned. This can be avoided only if all the persons associated with a problem have a fairly good ability to analyze things in the proper perspective and arrive at a reasonably good decisions. This is possible only when the education they had received had equipped them with proper skills to study things with patience and concentration so that they don't commit any error in understanding the issues involved. Obje ctive analytical skills is based mainly on one's ability to take in things as they are and start asking relevant questions which are likely to bring out more information concerning the issues. This way a proper understanding of the entire problem is ensured. Understanding paves the way for solutions in many problems. This is what education trains in individuals when it coaches the students with a variety of mathematical and scientific problems, which form the training ground for developing the problem solving skills to

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Rachel Wade Murder Trial Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Rachel Wade Murder Trial - Research Paper Example The prosecutors of the trial were legal representatives for the state of Florida, as well as for the parents and family of Sarah Ludemann. Assistant State Attorney Lisset Hanewicz spoke on the behalf of the victim (Judd, 2010). The defense was Rachel Wade and and her defense attorney, Jay Hebert. The jury of six also played a role - perhaps one of the largest roles - in the trial. Finally, no court situation would be complete without the presiding judge, Joseph A. Bulone. There were two witnesses present during the time of the murder, and they were also present for the trial. Jilica Smith had been in the vehicle with Sarah Ludemann when the girl had driven over to Rachel Wade’s house in the early morning of April 15. Janet Camacho, the sister of the boy in the love triangle, had also been present during the altercation. She had attacked and subdued Rachel Wade after Wade had stabbed Ludemann (Thalji, 2010). Another friend of Sarah Ludemann, Ashley Lovelady, though not present for the incident of April 15, was able to act as a witness for the behavior that had been displayed by both girls in the months prior to the murder of Ludemann. As the arguments between Rachel Wade and Sarah Ludemann had been lengthy and done most commonly over the Internet or cell phones, evidence against the prosecution and defense was great since most of these arguments had been saved or were easily accessible. Furthermore, the testimonies given by witnesses were able to further confirm that there had been difficulties between Rachel Wade and Sarah Ludemann. Most of the evidence that had been gathered had benefitted both sides of the trial. Since both girls had been fighting against each other for the past year, the evidence found was capable of speaking for and against both of the girls. Neither of the girls had roles of innocence in the year of fighting that had gone

Integrating Civics Educations into Liberal Studie Essay

Integrating Civics Educations into Liberal Studie - Essay Example In this subject are elements of humanities, science and liberal arts, which serves to help learners have a broad outlook after completing their senior secondary level studies. Some of the areas of study in this subject include self and personal development, personal identity, and preparing for adulthood, role of an individual and society, conflict resolution and interpersonal relationship, economic restructuring, the rule of law and participation in society and politics, and finally the general quality of life (Chan, and Sin, 2005). Likewise, the curriculum development council has proposed that civic education be also introduced in both elementary and secondary schools. In the past, civic education has never been made a complete and independent subject in Hong Kong. However, recently, civic education has been strengthened, and is embedded in other subjects such as history and Chinese among others. The major aim for this subject is to strengthen learners positive attitudes and values, develop good civic and personal qualities and also create an individual vision in committing and contributing to one’s country, family and the world. The general concepts, points and evaluation mode are very powerful and strict. It has been argued that integrating this subject to liberal studies will facilitate the achievement of the goal of a making a balanced and well-rounded person, rather than making it an independent subject (China Daily, Jun 1 2011 8:42). The purpose of introducing liberal studies in China’s New Secondary Curriculum is to broaden the student’s knowledge base as well as enhance their social awareness through studying a wide range of issues. The module in the curriculum focuses on the themes, which are of significance to the society, students and the world in general. These are designed in such a way that students are enabled to make connections across various fields of knowledge

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Informal Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Informal Analytical Report - Essay Example The people way of life will be affected as they may be forced to change in productive ways that use less land. The idea is to make them look out for jobs to cater for their daily needs since farmlands can be reduced. The people living on the proposed site may be forced to vacate the land to newer areas which may be less productive, and this will force the people adopt different ways of survival. Moving vehicles may knock down people as they perform their errands since most of them use footpaths, which may be destroyed forcing them, use the roads. The water catchments may be destroyed, and rivers may be diverted towards far areas forcing them look for water from afar. The main construction will cause noise pollution and air pollution from fumes emitted by the vehicles undertaking the construction. To solve the possible emerging issues and retaliation; the community will be sensitized to effects and possible solutions the company is willing to put in place. The manufacturing company will come up with solutions to each problem they will cause as they create the diversion. Footpaths will be constructed alongside the main roads to prevent people being knocked down by vehicles. However, in case of accidents when people are crossing the roads, the company caters for the expenses incurred for the medical services of the individuals working in the institution and is involved in an accident. Bumps must be placed on strategic crossing sites, and the community must be taught on road safety. On matters of diversion of rivers, the company must provide piped water to each doorstep to reduce movement of people and animals to and from the rivers. This will reduce a number of accidents thus reducing compensation to be made by the company. Though the community will feel the road is an unnecessary evil, they must be shown the positive impacts the roads can inflict to their

Foundations of the Development and Functions of Police Assignment

Foundations of the Development and Functions of Police - Assignment Example Job security was not guaranteed for anyone as anyone could be at will and a replacement found immediately. Policing was termed as ineffective since communication and transport services were not up to code. Most of the officers engaged in corruption and misconduct and bribes were offered to the public for them not to apply the law. During the political era, location of people complained of difficulty in contacting the police for help. There were constant complaints of police harassment, and they did not enjoy support from the resident. Due to high turnover in the force police had become unpopular in the country (Walker 1977). The reform era of policing was brought about by government reforms and growth of the progressive political establishment which sought to improve the livelihoods of the citizens. The changes made involved removal of police from political control to a more standardized bureaucratic system. The police supervision improved, and no misconduct could pass through the system unnoticed. There was an emphasis on statistics and police effectives was measured on the number of arrests made, number of a tickets issued and other police based activities. Emphasis on quality community relationships was discarded as police had to deal with more pressing matters of narcotic control, increased crime and arrest of criminals. Conversely, special police forces were formed to deal with specialised problems such as SWAT, vice and narcotics. Reforms from the political era helped to eliminate corruption from the police force. The primary reason the police existed was to prevent crime and their efficiency was measured by the absence of criminal activity. The reform era also saw the establishment of police academies where police were trained, and only qualified candidates were recruited to the force (Palmiotto, 1999). The law enforcement academies serve as training grounds for recruits into the police force. They include various background

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Informal Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Informal Analytical Report - Essay Example The people way of life will be affected as they may be forced to change in productive ways that use less land. The idea is to make them look out for jobs to cater for their daily needs since farmlands can be reduced. The people living on the proposed site may be forced to vacate the land to newer areas which may be less productive, and this will force the people adopt different ways of survival. Moving vehicles may knock down people as they perform their errands since most of them use footpaths, which may be destroyed forcing them, use the roads. The water catchments may be destroyed, and rivers may be diverted towards far areas forcing them look for water from afar. The main construction will cause noise pollution and air pollution from fumes emitted by the vehicles undertaking the construction. To solve the possible emerging issues and retaliation; the community will be sensitized to effects and possible solutions the company is willing to put in place. The manufacturing company will come up with solutions to each problem they will cause as they create the diversion. Footpaths will be constructed alongside the main roads to prevent people being knocked down by vehicles. However, in case of accidents when people are crossing the roads, the company caters for the expenses incurred for the medical services of the individuals working in the institution and is involved in an accident. Bumps must be placed on strategic crossing sites, and the community must be taught on road safety. On matters of diversion of rivers, the company must provide piped water to each doorstep to reduce movement of people and animals to and from the rivers. This will reduce a number of accidents thus reducing compensation to be made by the company. Though the community will feel the road is an unnecessary evil, they must be shown the positive impacts the roads can inflict to their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dream Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Dream Interpretation - Essay Example Thus, the attitudes or responses vary due to the particular contexts. "An attitude is the predisposition to respond in a certain way (Fernald & Fernald, 2003)ii". Undeniably, people intend to satisfy desires by their performing attitudes in day-to-day lives. It is unanimous that dreams are psychologically significant and meaningful expression that meant the implication of the life of the dreamer and connotes a specialty of the occurrences of life. 'The Interpretation of dreams' by Freud has added a new dimension in the development of psychoanalytic explanation requiring the successful dream analysis. The book has opened the floodgate in dream interpretation and helped people bringing an epoch making change in this concern. Prior to the emergence of Freud's theory, the ongoing explanation regarding dream interpretation advocated that dream is the manifestation of mental activity of human being during sleep. With the arrival of the eminent book by Freud, the period of 19th century being marked as the turning point bringing a revolutionary change in global context for dream analysis. Due emphasis is stressed on the neurotic symptoms in interpreting the dreams as the thoughts and ideas of people in awakening hours become visible in dreaming. In regard to the length and clarity of the dreams perceived, there are two sorts of dreams as categorising manifest dreams and latent dreams. Manifest dreams are consciously perceived and subsequently remembered just after the dreams are being dreamt while the dreams that cannot be easily remembered and seemed quite vague are the latent dreams. Of course, in many cases people cannot remember what they experienced in dreaming just with the awakening from the sleeping. This missing of the incidences of dream may be the result of the existence of some repressive forces. The core reason behind the manifest dream is the conglomeration and dominant presence of some latent thoughts. Such manife st dreams mirror the fulfillment of the wishes as regards the issues about which the dreamer was not conscious. However, they were left in the unconscious part of the mind. For instance, if someone expects to satisfy his or her hunger for food or money, is subject to dream the same. In this connection, an excellent example has been drawn by Freud stating that a medical student who routinely is to report to the hospital early in the morning with a view to making rounds, dreams of lying in a hospital bed, and continues to sleep, comforted in the thought that she is already in the hospital. As regards the correspondence of wishes with dreams, there are certain objections since the wishes may not be equally good rather to some extent subject to be hostile in nature. Such hostile or adverse wishes may certainly drive the dreamer to take some repressive actions or dream alike things. At the same way, a dreamer who wishes to do better for someone may dream that he is doing so or rescuing anybody from the net of danger or adverse situation. Psychological Explanation As every dream has a psychological structure, it is significant to hold that every dream has a psychological explanation. Hence, much significance of psychological interpretation is laid on it. The obscurity or clarity of the dr

Goal Essay Example for Free

Goal Essay â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world† (Nelson Mandela) what are my intension to come to college? Nowadays, medical assistant is rapidly increasing. I’m attending college to earn my Associate degree in Medical Assistant. Before attending college, I’ve had too many problems such as the grammar problems and writing in the English forms. I realized that I wasn’t going to get far without education. With my familys support and advises, I decided to go on further with my education to have a better future and a long time career working as a medical assistant. This year, I am enrolled at Kauai Community College since the fall 2012 semester. When I started college, I was majoring Liberal Arts because Im still undecided what career I wanted to pursue in. November 2012, after talking to my counselor I was able to choose what Im pursuing; I choose medical assistant. Their are couple reasons why I choose medical assistant. One reason is that I have the passion to work with other people. And the other reason is that I have a single mother who supported me since I was born and I want to find a career that would pay enough to support me and my family. Receiving my associate degree and becoming a medical assistant will improve my life. I am 18 years old, employed at brick oven (Kalaheo), and still living with my parents. In the past I made a lot of bad choices that made my mother disappointment. Accomplishing my educational goals and pursuing in the medical field will make my family and my mother proud, and it will also help me live independently. My estimated date of graduating the medical field is spring 2015, in order for me to complete my goal; I will set up a meeting with my counselor to organize what I should take each semester. By doing this, so I would know what to expect and not to overload my schedule. Other things that will also help me to achieve my goal is to attend class regularly, take notes, turn in all assignments on time, and do not procrastinate. In conclusion, my purpose for being in college is to have a better future and be able to live independently and support my family.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Worlds Biggest Illegal Arms Market History Essay

The Worlds Biggest Illegal Arms Market History Essay The town is basically one street lined up with gun shops, other shops present are tea stalls or butcher shop. One can hardly find any women in the main Bazaar. The roof tops are used as guns testing grounds for the weapons made and the air is usually filled with noise of fire arms. Workshops are present on the main road which consist of Hundreds of closet sized rooms where young boys and men make copies of the entire worlds guns (in working condition) with nothing more than hand tools and a small drill press. Astonishingly the tools used to make guns are highly primitive, yet accurate reproduction of every conceivable sort of weapons is made. Because its a very perfect location to have these gun factories as it is surrounded by mountains, for years these people have been making guns, its a time tested area and is pretty safe. That why its only is darra and nowhere else in the frontier. In Dara Adam Khel, almost three fourths of the people are in the gun trade. Around 1000 guns are made in Dara Adam Khel each day and the number is rising as new and better tools are been introduced to the workers. They had been making guns for more than 120 years. These guns are more than enough for the Pashtoons themselves. Many guns are smuggled in Afghanistan through Russia and other countries. Although heroin trade was shutdown in 1980s but the Pashtoons could not shutdown this guns factory. They are so much so involved in this business that Pashtoons call these guns their ornaments; they exchange guns like people exchange cars, people can bring in old guns and exchange them for new ones. Guns are available at frighteningly low prices. People carry guns as Englishmen carry umbrellas. However manufacturing of  heavy ammunition has been closed downed. Nobody messes with them in regard of trying to shut their guns business; the guns made are tested in the open 2 or 3 feet away from the shop. At any time a Pashtoon comes out of the shop and pumps twenty rounds into the air from a freshly made M-16 rifle. Such is the magic and aurora surrounding this place. Rules for foreigners who want to visit Dara Adam Khel is a forbidden area for any kind of foreigners. A permit and an armed escort are required from the Home Secretary of KHAIBER PHAKTOON KHAWA whose offices are in the Civil Secretariat on Police Rod in Peshawar. The permit is free of charge and issued on the very instance it is applied for. Only a few specific places are allowed to be seen. Travelers can only drive through the bazaar without a permit if they do not make any sort of stop, because if they do make a stop they would invite trouble. In case travelers buy guns, the shopkeepers mostly inform the customs and the police about the purchase. As a result, buyers are caught and the guns are either confiscated or released by giving a bribe. Arms trade The Dara Adam Khel arms trade fired up in 1897. The British even being in power at that time were afraid of the capabilities that the people of these areas possessed. They usually turned a blind eye to all the illegal guns being made; in return the Pashtoons gave them a safe passage to travel through the main bazaar without making a stop. Afridis This arm trade has won fame for the Adam Khel Afridis who are the major inhabitants of the town. They are the ones who basically control everything Insurgency in Dara Adam Khel Mughals and British periods Durand line is 2600 Kilo Meter long border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, on both sides of the border tribesmen inhabits the tribal areas, history tells us that tribesmen of these areas have always caused problems for the rulers of the time, only one ruler was able to conquer them and make them their loyal subjects, his name was Akbar e Azam (Mughal Emperor) no other ruler of Subcontinent including British colonial rulers was ever became able to defeat them in their backyard. Dara Adam Khel a tribal area located between Kohat and Peshawar capital of Khaiber Pakhtoon Kha has always been a source of problem for Pakistan since Pakistan was created. Herion business (including other narcotics as well), illegal weapon trade, kidnapping for ransom, murder and many different kinds of crimes have always been related to this area. Pakistan Government efforts to resolve issues Darra Adam hel is predominantly under the control of Afridi tribes men, when Pakistan was created Dara Adam Khel was equipped with schools and colleges, Pakistan Governemtn has triesd its best to ensure calmness in this area and to stop the illegal trades by giving the educated people of Dara Adam Khel Government jobs, but to no avail. Ojhri camp Weapons Dara Adam Khels Afridi tribesmen are highly intelligent and have a great ability to make weapons. After the disaster of Ojhri camp ammunition depot in Islamabad, the remaining weapons and weapon parts were sold to the people of Dara Adam Khel who quite effectively copied the designs in Dara Adam Khels weapon manufacturing factories. This was proven when Army was attacked by similar rockets to those present in Ojhri camp, during their ongoing operation in Fata area. This further strengthened the belief in tribesmen ability regarding weapon manufacturing. Element of foreign militants Sources say that foreign militants of India or other countries disguise themselves as Taliban and are financing 90 percent of the illegal activities in these areas in order to destabilize Pakistan internally, Islam is a peace loving religion and such activities are not promoted. Taliban Militants are misusing the name of Islam in order to weaken, disintegrate and eventually denuclearize Pakistan. Role played by Pakistani army Army had to intervene when the situation was getting out of hand, the militants started to kill travelers on Kohat Peshawar road. They hanged any person who went against them, then threw his dead body at the roadside in an effort to create fear among others, this finally lead to their strong foothold in Dara Adam Khel. Well trained and well equipped government troops took timely action and responded to the challenge, posed by these militants, in a very strong way. Army members are permanently deployed along the roadside and on strategic hills in Dara Adam Khel in an effort to provide safety to the travelers and the local innocent people between Kohat and Peshawar. In the ongoing clashes, Taliban militants escape from Dara Adam Khel usually towards Orakzai agency, Khyber agency and Afghanistan .The friendship tunnel of Kohat was targeted at the start by militants but they were soon defeated and flushed out by the security forces, according to sources good number of militants take refuge in Kohat as proven by the rocket attacks from these areas. Militant attack on Kotal check post was also successfully defended by the brave and valiant men and officers of Pakistan army. Trick played by Taliban Militants Afridi tribesmen are against the Taliban militants. In the beginning the Taliban entered Dara Adam Khel on the name of Islam and due to their views the militants gained popularity among the people of the area. But once the militants gained control of the area they showed their true colors, they imposed heavy taxes, started spreading fear by killing people and by implementing hard lining rules. They made court decisions in public and gave the punishments in public as well.Tthey destroyed many schools and colleges in the name of Islam, particularly girls schools were targeted. Everyone was forced to pay taxes of about 60000 rs per family A resident of Tor Chappar (area of Dara Adam Khail) says that his family was displaced during army operation against militants. Now in Tor Chappar empty houses with opened doors are present as all the residents have escaped to areas which are comparatively safer areas like Peshawar. Though locals of Tor Chappar do not like the militants but they cant take up arms against them because if militants block their ways and tracks they would completely loose their contact with the outside world and would eventually die or be killed .So the fear is the main factor they all are quite and take no significant action against the militants. Views of a Taliban militant spokes person When a spokes person of Taliban militants was questioned regarding their real intentions, he has said that militants are active to destabilize Pakistan but he was unable to answer the real purpose behind their militancy. Leaders of Jamaat e Islami blame India for financing attacks in tribal areas of Pakistan through its consulates in Afghanistan. A journalist Shakil Ahmed based currently in Australia, in his recent article made a bold claim that around 1500 Indian Army men are present in Afghanistan and are making efforts to encircle Pakistan. Despite many claims no one could come up with a proof of Indian involvement. According to Dawn news report arrested Arab militants from Mehmand Agency were financed by Afghanistan. Many Uzbek militants were also captured during the operation conducted by the security forces in these areas of Fata. View of an elder in Khaiber Pakhtoon kha. According to an elder of Khaiber phaktoon kha Baitullah mehsod (Taliban leader) is a friend of Maulana Fazal ur Rehman who is a leader of Jamiat ul Islam. According to him many religious parties of Pakistan are also behind the current insurgency in the areas of Fata and Swat, this is the exact reason why they oppose Army operations in these areas. Its a very complex situation, only a group of people cannot gain such a strength that they could challenge the paksitan military. Indian and American views on the fata Foreign Minister of India Mr Krishna offered friendship to Pakistan, only if Pakistan would destroy its training camps of militants. Statement made by him is a clear recognition of potency of Pakistan Army, Media reports show that US president Obama and Hillary Clinton (secretary of state) rely heavily on Pakistan army to control cross border activity. Pakistan current situation and importance of Pakistani army Cynics predict another 1971 type debacle for Pakistan, but the fact of the matter is that Pakistan is a nuclear power now, and elected government of PPP lead coalition is in power, Army is committed to its role of, helping elected government to restore peace in FATA and Malakand division and its performance up to date reflects its potential to wipe out the militants from Pakistani soil. International community is quite satisfied regarding the human rights situation in Pakistan, with reappointment of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary and his other deposed colleagues independent judiciary does exist in Pakistan to guard the constitutional rights of people of Pakistan. Circumstances in 1971 were altogether different in Pakistan when it was dismembered. Now even security of US lead NATO forces is dependent upon Pakistan Armed forces ability to stop cross border activity on Durand line, Indias security will also be in jeopardy if Pakistan existence as buffer zone between Afghanistan and India is jeopardized, most of the analysts agree on this point news media reports reflect. Purpose of Research: The focal point of this research is to analyze the controversial condition of Dara Adam Khel, one of the globally acknowledged ethnic regions of Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan that borders Afghanistan; we will try to explore its evolution and progress as what has happened to this geographical area that it emerged, gradually with time, as the worlds largest illegitimate arm market. We will spot what types of illicit arms in form of hand grenades, pen pistols and more are produced by this particular largest arm manufacturer of the world and analyze the supply and demand situation as which countries are purchasing and demanding these low-cost illicit weapons and obviously for what reason. Besides, this study highlights notable facts and figures and the aftermaths too along with the recommendable policies to the government in order to curb the exceeding production of illicit weapons that is almost 40 Million in Pakistan in 2009. The performance of government of Pakistan shall be evaluated as to why the country is rated as one of the greatest per capita rates of gun ownership in the world despite the fact that government has continuously been taking action by implementing the UN program of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) but still Darras local inhabitants are allured by the illegal production of replicas of imported weapons as their chief source of income. Problem Definition: The illicit arm industry located in Dara Adam Khel was flourishing by leaps and bounds with the passage of time, therefore consequential in the expansion of problematic issues created by it. This unlawful production and supply of a vast array of handmade and small industry created weapons as well as imported replicas are responsible for the domestic as well as international criticism. The repercussions our country has been facing consist of intensifying crime rate, murder rate, escalating rate of use of non-genuine currency, drugs, and bombs. 2.0 Literature Review In Pakistan Arms can be acquired legally or through unlawful means, all a person requires is money or strong reference with someone involved in trading of weapons. A survey conducted by Small Arms back in 2002 found the illegally held weapons in Pakistan were approximately 18 million in comparison to only 2 million legally held weapons. This comprises of almost nine illegal weapons for each licensed weapon currently owned by the Pakistanis. The report illustrated that, regardless of the official ban on trade of non-licensed weapons, unauthorized arms trade and gunrunning continue to flourish and ammunition remains in open circulation (Burke, 2001). Darra Adam Khel is a Tribal town adjacent to Peshawar, is stated to be the largest producer and supplier of low-priced guns in the country. According to the latest survey held in 2009 the legal licensed weapons sum around 4 million and illegal weapons have exceeded 40 million in Pakistan. The weapons are considered an ornament for men and are regarded as a part of attire. This is the reason that a household stove may be kept cold, but the barrel of the gun is kept warm. According to the sources the Arms in Darra Adam Khel are mostly manufactured using small machines or are hand made. A large sum of ammunition produced is distributed to Taliban fighters waging war in Afghanistan against the U.S. Army and coalition forces in North and South Waziristan against the Pakistan Army (Bonner, 2002). The Federal Administered Tribal Areas Secretariat, the government agency that administers the region, the total number of personnel employed by Darra arms factories are around 10,000 people and they make several million weapons annually. The owner of Sher Ghulam and Sons Arms Dealer, Malik Muhammad Asif says that business is invigorating despite the enhanced security at Pak-Afghan border and a disarmament campaign by the Afghan government has resulted in price hike. An AK-47 Kalashnikov rifle that used to sell for a $165 in 2004 now sells for as much as $ 700, the cost of explosives have also risen by approximately 20% (FATA, 2007). Another local arms merchant Haji Ahmed Khan says that The demand has increased so much that factory employees now work around the clock to fulfill demand. The replicas of imported and local weapons have been manufactured in Darra since the early 1900s. Successive Pakistani governments have tried hard to control the arms industry with little success, and tribal areas operate under a semi-autonomous agreement that dates back to British rule. Law Enforcement Agencies and federal judges have limited authority and foreign journalists are prohibited from traveling to this particular region (Schmidle, 2008). In 2003 a survey by SPADO showed that only in Darra Adam Khel there are around 1,200 gun selling shops. These guns are supplied by almost 1,500 small workshops and more than 50 medium-scale manufacturing units employing over 6,000 gunsmiths. Pakistan, according to anti-arms activists, has one of the greatest per capita rates of gun ownership in the world. However, there are no official figures rough estimates put the total number of small arms at large in the country at more than 20 million, with about half of them illegal. Half a million illegitimate small arms and light weapons are believed to be owned by people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. But in 2000, state arms manufacturer, Pakistan Ordinance Factories (POF) managed to dent the illegal trade by recruiting some of the skilled artisans from the tribal areas to POFs main manufacturing unit in Wah a cluster of 14 factories 40 km north of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad (Haqqani, 2006). It is estimated that 22 million AK 47s are in public use whereas the countrys total population is around 170 million, which accounts 13% of the countrys population. In Pakistans tribal culture the use of heavy weaponry is quite common including the use of rocket launchers, short, medium and long range rockets, anti aircraft guns, mortars etc all are made in the vicinity of Darra (Khan, 2006). State Interior Minister Tasneem Qureshi was summoned by Standing Committee on Interior for issuing approximately 6,000 prohibited-bore licenses within two months. The committee was informed that 26,000 bogus licenses were issued to strangers with the consent of certain fraudulent officials. It came into notice that Each senator, member of National Assembly and member of Provincial Assembly can avail 25 non-prohibited bore licenses every year, out of which 75 percent have availed it, That generally indicated the induction of nearly 20,000 fresh weapons in the country. A newspaper report dealing with illegal arms trade notes, A pistol that costs around Rs. 20,000 can be acquired on rent with no trouble for Rs. 150 an hour if a person has strong references. Most people get pistols on rent on the alleged reason that they want to use them at weddings; instead those arms are used in roadside snatching incidents. It is more or less like getting a motorbike on rent (IPDF, 2008). An interviewer from BBC was told by Haji Munawar Afridi, an arms trader at Darra Adam Khel that There is nothing we cannot copy. At another point he stated You bring us a Stinger missile and we will make you an imitation that would be difficult to tell apart from the original. (Aamer Ahmed, 2006) Some of the influential traders in Darra Adam Khel proudly talk about their ammunition supply to the Islamist fighters engaged in Kashmir. Currently, there are about 2,000 families who are involved in manufacturing of weaponry in Darra and are also supplying to clients abroad. Rest of the families continues to focus on local markets. Another famous gun trader in Darra asserts that Punjabis love small arms and Punjab is our major market. Mekarob pistol is the most demanded one because of its low price and compact size (BBC, 2006). Dilawar Wazir, a political analyst in the tribal area of North Waziristan says militants are the everlasting buyers of the armaments of Darra, and nearly 40 percent of their explosives and light arms used to make bombs are supplied by these factories. However, the trade of manufacturing weapons is well confined, making Darra the South Asian capital for compact unlawful weapons. (Rahmanullah, 2007) The purchasers of illegal weapons are world over. Insurgent armies, from Asia, Latin America, Africa, have in the past sent their middlemen to acquire weapons from here and still do so. Moinuddin Haider the Minister of the Interior in previous government, said in an interview in Islamabad. We want to close them all down,. Last year the government also launched a campaign to confiscate all illicit guns and bring to an end the issuance of new licenses (Rahmanullah, 2007). Gone are the days of the 1980s, the gun industry in Darra was at boom when Islamic fighters, CIA operatives and ordinary Afghans fighting the Soviet invasion of their country just across the border would flock to Darra Adam Khel, and mostly the orders placed for weapons were massive in numbers (Wilkinson, 2005). Jan Muhammad, a 63-year-old arms dealer who is considered one of the leading experts in pistol manufacturing confessed that their business in late 1980s was so good when the Afghans fought a Holy war against the Soviet aggression. Nevertheless, Muhammad regrets the misfortunes fallen upon his family since then. Another arms trader at Darra Mr. Hassan states that Business is bad, very bad. He pulled a .30 caliber pistol off the shelf, shiny black with no markings. A year ago, he said, he could have sold it for 5,000 rupees. Now, he asks 1,000 rupees for the same pistol. (Bonner, 2002) Brigadier Mahmood Shah the head of tribal regions in northwestern Pakistan says that People have been in the weapons business at Darra Adam Khel for decades, but we are taking into account suggestions to regulate it. He also claimed that weapons at Darra are of substandard, and are more like souvenirs than weapons. However, the buyers disagree to his statement, Mohammed Raza, 38, a resident living on the suburbs of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province says that I have a feud going with some people in my village and I have come here to buy a pistol. Declaring he had no doubt the weapon would prove deadly if he chooses to use it (Khan, R. 2005). Raza scoffed at the conception the government will ever be able to stop people from purchasing weapons in a constituency where almost every house contains a gun and many men walk the streets with rifles slung over their shoulders. The reality behind the omnipresence of arms bazaar is that the workmen at Darra Adam Khel are masters of placing together well-designed copies of some of the worlds most popular guns. A copy of an Italian-made, pump-action shotgun, which would cost about US$1,300 in the West, can be had for between 3,000 and 8,000 rupees and a replica of the famous AK-47 assault rifle goes for about 10,000 rupees in Darra Adam Khel, 10 times less then the real thing but just as deadly (Riaz, 2005). Whatever the reality, it is clear that the government will have to come up with a highly innovative and aggressive strategy to bring this lethal trade under control

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Death of a Salesman vs The Simpsons :: essays papers

Death of a Salesman vs The Simpsons Each of the characters in "death of a Salesman" can be compared in some way to a character in the Simpsons. Linda Loman has a lot in common with Marge Simpson. Both love their families very much and are always the first to defend their husband's actions. Each wife is unappreciated and and does not receive much respect from her family. They try to instill good values onto their children: Marge reprimands Bart for stealing, and Linda tells Willy not to encourage the boys to steal. They attempt to steer the boys away from their fathers' influence, since Willy and Homer are not always the best role models. An example is when homer tells Marge "don't discourage the boy! Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel." Biff (before he find's himself) is a lot like Bart. The two are always getting into some kind of trouble; Biff for stealing, while Bart is constantly wreaking havoc in the school. Biff is unable to hold down a job, and Bart cannot be productive at school. Both lie and cheat their way through life. Charley can be compared to Lenny as both are friends of the protagonist and care about his welfare. Charley aids Willy with his financial needs, giving him money and offering him a job. Lenny helps Homer in the nuclear plant, always covering for him and giving advice. Although he is not an evil monster, Howard's character resembles that of Monty Burns. They are both business men, more concerned about money than people. Howard does not care about Willy; he fires him after he had worked for the company for so long. Mr. Burns does not even know who homer is even though they've often had a chance to interact. Bernard, Biff's brainy friend, is similar to Milhouse, Bart's geeky friend. Each one is teased about their appearance; Bernard is called an anemic by Willy, and Milhouse is called a geek by pretty much everyone. Bernard used to idolize Biff, he was proud to be carrying his elbow pads. Milhouse is also a sidekick to Bart. He knows his job is to stay hidden while Bart wows everybody with his talents.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Water and Womanhood in Ancient Greece Essay -- Women in Marine Mytholo

In the times of ancient Greece, there were ample tales, myths, and legends surrounding the realm of the sea; many of which included fearsome beasts, epic struggles, and angered gods. There are tales of vengeance, spite, cruelty, and rage, but there are also those of understanding, compassion, helpfulness, and benevolence. When one subjects many of the more malevolent (and sometimes disturbing) tales to closer inspection, it becomes fairly evident that a great number of these stories use a feminine force in order to display the wraith of the sea and the sea gods or goddesses. In fact, many sea monsters are said to be female including Charybdis and Scylla (the horrors between which Odysseus and his crew must sail through the Strait of Messina), and the sea was often given a female personality and character traits. Ceto, particularly, was the feminine embodiment of the dangers which the sea held, and Amphitrite was one other powerful, feminine sea goddess. The connection between terrors of the sea and the female persona may not be presented with the utmost clarity right away; however, it is possible to use symbolic history, cultural normalities of the time, and a brief glance at the ancient Greek view of sexuality to help discover these mysteries. Symbols for water and womanhood have been known to coincide greatly, essentially since the beginning of the history of recorded symbols. The inverted triangle was an especially prominent emblem when it comes to this matter, as it was used to represent both the flow of water (or sometimes a cup, or chalice), as well as the shape of the female reproductive organs and genitalia. These similarities were not contained only to written symbols, but to rather more abstract symbolism as well. O... ...tainly made theirs far more interesting than many other cultures. Works Cited "Disaster Archaeology - Women in the Marine Mythology of Ancient Mediterranean Their Roles & Symbolisms - By:Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis and Dr. Amanda Laoupi." Disaster Pages of Dr. George PC. Web. . Symbolism between women and water Grimal, Pierre. The Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Oxford, England: Blackwell, 1985. Perseus Digital Library. Web. . Theoi Greek Mythology, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. Web. . Used for collection of various primary facts Walcot, P. "Greek Attitudes towards Women: The Mythological Evidence." Greece and Rome XXXI.1 (1984). JSTOR. Web. Greek views of sexuality; cultural effects

Food Systems and the Environment Essay

The status of food security in any community across the globe can be considered as the major principal outcome of food systems when these systems are defined generically and broadly. Increase in the productivity and efficiency of food systems have shown much success across the globe in improving nutrition and reducing the prevalence of hunger. However the efficiency and productivity of food systems have raised concerns as they pose serious threats to economic, environmental and social goals and hence they have undermined food security. On the other hand environmental changes around the world in the context of political, economic and social changes may result to unprecedented stresses to bear on food security and food systems. Food systems are conceived as set of activities that range from production through to consumption. In production process of raw materials for food the major trends have been intensification of agriculture which is accompanied by concentration in the agricultural inputs and the trend to larger agricultural lands sizes with hired labor. This trend is accompanied by increased fragmentation of land among the marginalized small holders. As a consequence there is increased demand of water for irrigation, increased pollution, soil loss and increased energy demands in the production sectors. (i. ) Environmental pollution resulting from food processing industries In the current economic systems farming is no longer the dominant economic activity in the overall food systems. This is because people are more concerned in adding value in the overall food product in the area of processing and packing of raw materials into food products. Due to increase of these activities many factories and industries have concentrated up and down the food production and supply chain. The expansion of industries has resulted to more toxic effluents being emitted from factories into water and air. The number of processing industries in both urban and rural areas has grown tremendously which have resulted to pollution of water bodies, air and soil (Richardson, pp 7). In some cases ground water quality has also been affected due to increasing production and use of pesticides and fertilizers aimed at promoting more intensive cropping and self sufficiency in food. Expansion of factories and food processing plants has also created major problems of waste disposal. Low lying fields are generally used for waste disposals without the benefits of using sanitary methods have resulted to major pollution problems. (ii) Over killing of animals species leading endangered species. Endangered animal species face the dander of becoming extinct since they are low in number and therefore need protection in order to survive. Human activities such as killing animals for food and commercial trade are rendering many animals to continue suffering high rates of exploitation. A species that is being overexploited become endangered or may become extinct due to the rate at which is being consumed. An example of over exploitation that has been experienced was the unrestricted whaling. The whaling industry during this time over exploited whales and resulted to low population sizes of whales. Due to the decreased number of whales and nearly some of them were nearly extinct several governments agreed to abide by international moratorium on whaling. Over exploitation of animals species harms livelihood since high proportion of world’s population depends on wildlife for their meat protein and their components provided traditional medicines. Over exploitation of plant and animal species does not only affects the following community and threatens the particular species but also it causes imbalance in the whole ecosystem (Guynup, para 4). (iii) Genetically modified foods ecological balance Genetically modified foods are produced from animals and plants which their genes are changed by scientists in the laboratory. Genes are written on the DNA and are the chemical instruction for building and maintaining life. Scientists modify these genes and alter the characteristics of an organism. In so doing yields and resistance to diseases can be improved in both plants and animals. However there are fears some of the genes which have been introduced into some crops can escape and be transferred to other plant species where they can have adverse effects. Some critiques believes that leakage of these genes will result to emergence of super weeds and extinctions of ordinary species of birds and insects and the food chain will became damaged (Eiswasser, Gan & Alia, pp 9). (b) Influence of environment to food systems (i) Effects of global warming and environmental pollution. The overall climate changes including global warming and the increased climate variability will result to variety of impacts on agriculture. Some of he effects of climate change are ecological, biophysical and some are economic. These factors include the following; first there will be shift in agricultural zone and climate towards the poles. Second, the production patterns would be changed due to higher temperatures. Third, agricultural productivity in some regions would be increased due to increased levels of carbon dioxide, fourth the precipitation patterns will be changed and finally most people will be vulnerable of becoming landless. In addition changes of weather patterns may lead to increased crop infestation by pests and chocking weed. In most of the low lying climate change will result to decreased crop yields and therefore in most regions net import of crops will increase. Higher prices of food will render most people to become at risk of hunger (Natural Resources Defense Council, para 8). (ii) Greenhouse production Greenhouse method of food production makes use of controlled environment in modern terms it is also referred to as controlled environmental agricultures. Those methods enables farmers to cultivate food or fruit producing plants in areas and at times when weather conditions would prevent them from growing or adversely affects them green house also prevents the crops from adverse weather conditions which due to the ever increasing population and more agricultural land being lost to urban development. Intensive food production in greenhouse will play a significant role in food production (Peet, para 11). (iii) Location and food prices Provision of food system impacts on what people choose to eat and evidently people can only choose foods that are accessible, affordable and available to them. Food availability is related to the prices and this is determined on the process that the food gets to the consumers and what is on offer. Development and changes of food distribution and supply may be parallel but there may remain strong cultural differences between regions in the way food is produced, distributed and made available to consumers. The cost of distribution of food also affects the food prices due to higher transport costs over long distances (Iton, pp 14). 2. Relationship between food and society. (a) Influence of food systems to the society. Alongside global environmental changes globalization of consumers’ preferences is another change that is taking place. In food systems the spread of fast food is considered synonymous with globalization. There has also been expansion of Asian Latin American and African and other international cuisines into national food cultures (Food and Fuel America. com, para 8). (ii) Food cultures bring people together. There are several areas which can help to bring cultures together. These include talent shows, style shows, and food court. These areas are more effective especially when they are organized for international cultural festivals. When people are eating from the same table they can speak and ask each other questions about their culture directly. Food cultures and style show displays expressions from different countries and therefore people can learn the cultures through hearing, feeling and experiencing the show. In addition people learn about each other when they start taking about food (Weickgenant, para 5). (iii)Treads in food production in the global economy In the year 1999 economic recovery had manifested itself globally after the global slow down which was cause by financial crisis in 1997 and 1998 in Asia. In the year 2000 there was further strengthening and the world GDP was expected to rise by not less than 3 percent which would reflect stronger economic activities. GDP in the developing countries is expected to rise by 4 to 5 percent. At this rate the growth of agricultural GDP in developing countries would not grow strongly than overall GDP in developed countries which is expected to grow at the rate of 5 to 6 percent (Rosegrant, Paisner & Witcover, pp 4). Emerging food safety technologies Due to the needs of the societies to keep food for longer, government agencies and departments of homeland security set targets on bulky food contamination as the focus of attention for food security. Tampering of food or contamination of bulky food poses a serious threat to society. New technologies on the other hand provide mean of monitoring food systems and modifies people behavior. The surveillance technology that has been developed influences individual behaviors and altitudes by introducing additional procedural arrangement (Hendrickx, para 10). Government enacts laws and policies in order to offer remedies of harms which might have been created in the past for example enacting new seed law. Government also aims at protecting safety, quality and health of its citizens (Niskanen, pp 13). Changing in demand and supply When the demand and of a particular product of food increases production and supply of that product increases. As a result there will be much of that product in the market leading to fall in demand and price of the product leading to reduced production and supply (Lee, pp 6). Work Cited Eiswasser E, Gan K & Alia K. Genetically modified foods raise new legal issues, 2001.Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from; http://www. cov. com/files/Publication/e435e641-b00a-4e20-92f3-0a8639b8f9bb/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/7cd905a2-fe8e-4a25-8709-1096d7ce6aef/oid6070. pdf. Food and Fuel America. com. Food and Fuel America, 2007. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from; http://www. foodandfuelamerica. com/2007/06/find-alternative-fuel-location. html. Guynup S. Killing the Endangered Species Act, 2008. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from; http://www. blueridgepress. com/Forms/brp_columns/*ws4d-db-query-Show. ws4d? *ws4d-db-query-Show***EBK-EB-089090098094094090-1377***-Database***-***brp_columns(directory)***. ws4d? brp_columns/detail. html. Hendrickx D. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2008. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from; http://www. elsevier. com/locate/ifset. Iton A. Tackling the Root Causes of Health Disparities through Community Capacity Building. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from; http://www. chc. ucsf. edu/pdf/Iton-Tackling%20The%20Root%20Causes%20of%20Health%20Disparities. pdf. Lee D. Demand and Supply the Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, 1998. Retrieved on 1st October 2008 from; http://www. commonsenseeconomics. com/Readings/Demand%20and%20Supply. CSE. pdf Natural Resources Defense Council. Issues: Global Warming, 2008. R